Inspire people, engage customers, sell more stuff or do more good.
The essence of branding hasn’t changed. Certainly there’s more chaos to contend with. But the right market position and value proposition still lead to preference. Creative, emotive brand stories still engage all the humans involved, all the way to a sale, donation or other measurable result. What has changed is everything else. Media is fragmented beyond recognition. Dot.coms say mass communications is dead but rely on it to create awareness. For some odd reason, marketing doesn’t want to be accountable for sales and sales doesn’t listen to marketing. Organizations are full of silos that make being unified in the market a daunting challenge. So – if the branding fundamentals required to sell more stuff or do more good are sound, how does Tenzing address the dysfunction everywhere else? We strategically and creatively connect the dots: New digital tactics with more offline intelligence, inside your organization and outside, sales and marketing together – all using brand-based processes honed over 30 years. We do it as an independent boutique without time sheets, bureaucratic brain cramps and the biases of traditional or digital agency thinking. We build cross-functional brands, in whole or in part, that remedy brand dysfunction to generate smarter ROI.
University of Guelph
University of Guelph is a leading post-secondary institution with an amazing, almost quirky sense of self. Yet their brand, while well-documented, was not understood nor universally applied. Meantime, over 100 campus communicators were working without a playbook. And U of G's competitive position was eroding...
Ernst & Young
EY is a household name with an international pedigree in accounting and audit. EY partners are also exceptionally bright advisors to massive businesses on just about every other relevant topic. What EY isn't is well-understood or valued in the privately-held, mid-size market where perceptions about scale and cost are competitive disadvantages. Tenzing was hired to close the perception and awareness gap...
Bruce County
Bruce County is a picture perfect collection of communities and tourism brilliance nestled between the shorelines of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. It is also home to economic powerhouse, Bruce Power. The Bruce Planning and Economic Development team was doing a lot right - with one exception: they weren't using their name and their brand to leverage positive awareness and growth. Sometimes you have to hear from someone outside to realize the potential of what already exists.
Libro Credit Union
When we started working with Libro Credit Union, they operated under a different name, had assets under administration of $250 Million and served about 25,000 customers. Twenty years later, Libro, as a comparatively new brand in financial services, enjoys 70%+ name recognition, has $5 Billion in assets under administration and well over 100,000 customers. Did we do all that? Of course not. Did we help? Bet on it.
Huntsville Hospital Foundation
When we were retained to help Huntsville Hospital Foundation re-imagine their fundraising strategy a few years back, they were only raising a fraction of what they needed and the hospital was taken for granted by local residents. Even worse, seasonal residents - especially those with the capacity for major gifts - didn't see the hospital as their cause at all. Fast forward a few years and fundraising has increased by about 300% and the hospital is now cause #1 in the community.
Our Client Experiences
From financial services to consumer products to municipal economic development, healthcare, NFP fundraising, technology and business-to-business marketing, we have client relationships that border on professional love affairs. (Are we allowed to say that? Hope so.)