Our Tenzingers
Here are a few of the sherpas you’ll meet…
Tenzingers are multi-talented pros who start and finish more interesting, brand-savvy work in a year than their peers at big shops or consultancies do in a decade. They also don’t work weekends as a rule.

jc Molina
President (Gym Bunny)
Art Direction, Design, Overall Creative
Best Day Imaginable: Bench pressing humans while shopping for furniture on my iPhone.
Best Work Day: Making clients cry… literally.
Best Work: Web and print design for Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), University of Guelph, Ernst & Young, The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group, OSRAM Sylvania, Russell Investments, Jaguar, Evian, Mercis, Kids Help Phone, Toronto Tourism, Railway City, Soapstones, Runnymede Healthcare Centre, Russell Investments, Meridian Credit Union.

Katie Burns
VP, Strategy (Botanist)
Strategic Planning, Media, Project Management
Best Day Imaginable: A morning of puttering in the garden followed by an afternoon getting lost in a good book (with a really good garbanzo bean sandwich in between).
Best Work Day: I’ve had good days and some great days but the best day is yet to come. So TBD.
Best Work: Bruce County brand strategy and implementation, Huntsville Hospital Foundation marketing and communications strategy and implementation, Libro Credit Union ongoing brand communications, EY Canada brand and digital strategy, OSRAM Sylvania national media campaign, The Commonwell Mutual Insurance media strategy.

Gary Lintern
Chair, (Chief Yoda)
Strategy & Creative
Best Day Imaginable: Wandering the back alleys of a European city with my partner and discovering an opera-singing busker who reminds me that happiness is a state of mind as opposed to a stage in life.
Best Work Day: The euphoric adrenaline rush when all the strategic nuances come to life in the positioning brand creative.
Best Work: The Libro brand partnership, University of Guelph brand renewal, Russell Investments global brand, Mitel Corporation global brand, Language & Literacy Network brand, Western Fair campaign, Cash Cows (the book), #changeshapers video, St. Joe's West 5th Mental Health & Addiction launch, Northern Credit Union purse strings campaign.

Jeremy Groot
Director of Digital Solutions
Technology Consultant, Analytics & Compliance Expert, Development Lead
Best Day Imaginable: A day where I can find new fun ways to challenge myself physically and mentally, followed by an extended period of sleeeeep.
Best Work Day: Crushing every question, problem, and feature request that comes in with ease.
Best Work: Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), Explore The Bruce, Lumenus, FP Canada, Huntsville Hospital Foundation

Maggie Cameron Cordeiro
Content Specialist, Project Coordinator (Bookworm)
Social Media, Client Services, Project Management
Best Day Imaginable: Brunch in a robe with an ocean view. A really good massage. Diving into a stack of books on a secluded beach, pausing only for swims and snacks. Watching the sun set as my favourite band serenades me.
Best Work Day: Going down a writing wormhole and emerging from it with something great or publishing social media content for a client at the end of a work day, and checking back the next morning to discover it’s been seen by thousands of users.
Best Work: The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group, Ontario Professional Planners Institute, Brampton Transit, Bruce County, Pembroke, Manning Canning, Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), Siskinds LLP, Huntsville Hospital Foundation.